Sunday, March 30, 2008

cold yuck rainy dreary nastiness

Man O Man the sting of the last day of Spring Break HURTS!  Cold, dreary rainy yucky weather.  We went to a movie and now I am just shivering in my 5 layers.  I am playing with my  photos in photoshop.  No, I did not actually take these today.  They are from yesterday.  I am just huddled at my desk right now.  Back into the game tomorrow.  One more night.....  I sure hope it is sunny tomorrow.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Crying in my Wheaties

Ok, fine.  I pushed him to his five year old limit.  But I was bored.  So I started obsessing over ring flashes in lieu of the large stack of real work I had on my desk.  It is Saturday!  I needed a break.  And, the boys were obsessed with Guitar Hero (yes, hubby included)  So I got an idea and started running around preparing my lights.  Can you believe??  Evan built a fort of pillows to HIDE FROM ME!  POINT TAKEN.  I had to take photos of myself today.  I didn't even need to channel the sad dejected loneliness.  It is sooooo real.  Gawd.  Poor me.
